I know VELS level 4 has progression points relating to:
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding (3.25)
Identification and understanding of the various types of land use and their distribution in Australia; for example; farming, forest, towns, parks
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding (3.5)
Identification of the impacts of various land uses on the environment; for example, the effect of land clearance on soil quality
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding (3.75)
Identification of human and physical characteristics of local and global environments
Our focus could be looking at the environment before humans came along, what happened after and what students can do about it. Most of the texts in the attached can be used to illustrate the before/after paradigm. The unit could culminate in students make a model of an environment before and after humans or they could create an ideal city where it's all in balance.
From Bron:
heya all,
love this idea, it is uno's garden all over and is reminding me of
the myer christmas windows. awesome.
check out this model of how to make a rad city.
it uses recycled materials which in itself ties beautifully into
sustainability. loves it!
scroll down slightly and click on 'Create a city'. for some reason
there was no direct link into this activity.