Wednesday, March 24, 2010

VELS for Create a City

I'm thinking something along the lines of:

The Arts

VELS progression point 3.25 Creating and Making

* Exploration of ideas generated from presented sources; for example, ideas for a music work prompted by viewing a photograph

VELS progression point 3.5 Exploring and Responding

* Consideration of possibilities, content and influences when planning, developing and refining their own arts works for presentation to specific audiences

Humanities (Geography)

VELS progression point 3.25 Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

* Identification and understanding of the various types of land use and their distribution in Australia; for example; farming, forest, towns, parks

VELS progression point 3.5 Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

* Identification of the impacts of various land uses on the environment; for example, the effect of land clearance on soil quality

VELS progression point 3.75 Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

* Identification of human and physical characteristics of local and global environments


VELS progression point 3.25 Listening, Viewing and Responding

* Attentiveness to and understanding of ideas and information in peers’ oral presentations; for example, project reports in Science or the Humanities

VELS progression point 3.25 Presenting

* Inclusion of a small number of related ideas in written, visual and oral presentations

VELS progression point 3.75 Presenting

* Organised structure, including a beginning, middle and end in short, prepared individual or group oral, written and visual presentations

Design, Creativity and Technology

VELS progression point 3.25 Investigating and Designing

* Generation of design ideas – labelled sketches and drawings, explanations or models – in response to a design brief

If we get them to present it, we could work English (speaking and listening) in too. Maybe this could be the final task where we assess what they have learnt.

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